Dobra Vaga

Farah Sara Kurnik: H4H4 (Tamagotchi)


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mixed technique, Fimo – polymer clay

The H4H4 series is a homage to the recent era of cute, small pendants, handmade jewelry, the collective gathering of stickers and virtual pets, which the artist upgrades and recreates in the process of reviving memories with the help of necessities purchased in her childhood. She introduces us to a selection of her favourite iconic characters in the form of stickers, upgrades and decorates the simple exterior of Tamagotchis and develops a humorous line of jewelry. She wonders about the heritage of her childhood, the treasures we sometimes carefully store and other times discard as something that should remain in its time and our fleeting memories. With her work, she revives this heritage and reminds her generation of the treasures that might still be hidden in their childhood rooms.